Hi, I’m Dominic but most people call me Dom and I am a member of Thaar Care’s Advisory Board. I am 19 years old and currently studying Business at Grand Valley State University. I have always been around giving people my whole life, and that has rubbed off on me immensely through the years. A good majority of my time in my life I have been involved in some field regarding helping others. Whether it was raising dogs for Detroit Dog Rescue in its early goings, taking mission trips to the Dominican Republic to dig wells and provide other aid for its people, or personally going out to help the homeless with my father, I have always tried to devote my time to help others. What I lack in age I make up in experience. Mental health problems are an epidemic that I’ve seen my entire life throughout my generation, and I hope to bring a perspective of someone who sees these issues firsthand everyday among my college peers. Through my daily experiences and perspective as someone who resides in one of the biggest suffering demographics, I can better help everyone understand what it is like in its environment. At the end of the day, it is always about helping others live their best lives.